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The Original Trackless Tack®

Fifteen years ago, Blacklidge developed UltraTack to deliver longer-lasting, better bonding pavements enabling faster construction times and cleaner job sites. Experience for yourself why the original is always the better road.

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Gone are the days of tack coating that leaves unsightly and potentially unsafe tracking on adjacent roadways, bridges and intersections.

Often imitated, never duplicated. UltraTack. The Original Trackless Tack.

The Power of UltraTack

Safe application

UltraTack typically goes on between 150º F - 180º F, which means it takes less energy to heat and is safer to handle.

Fast setting

In less than 20 minutes under normal conditions, you’re ready to pave.

Tried & tested

Over 246,968 miles paved—that’s almost 10 times around the Earth.

No tracking means a better bond.

Tracking creates poorly bonded pavements that could cause delamination, potentially resulting in cracking, slipping, and shoving the pavement. UltraTack’s fast curing time means your tack coat stays where it’s supposed to, providing the superior interlayer bond needed to keep the road lasting longer.

Read more in our interlayer bonding series.

UltraTack also delivers a substantially stronger bond between layers that reduces shoving and movement. Compared to its tack coat predecessor, UltraTack helps contractors achieve better road density with less compactive effort while saving time and money. Blacklidge holds several patents for non-tracking tack and bond coat technology.

Additional Benefits

  • Non-tracking interlayer tack coating
  • Rapid setting — begin paving in 15-30 minutes
  • Can increase fatigue life by over 50% for a dense-graded HMA overlay
  • Reduces cleanup cost (no sanding; no power washing)
  • High bond strength reduces chance for slippage failure
  • Apply using conventional distributor — no special equipment required
  • Eliminates adhesive removal from wheel paths
  • Age-resistant
  • Reduces compaction effort
  • Cleaner, better-looking projects

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See for yourself why UltraTack is the number one trackless tack on the market.